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  • 대표 저서
    ◆ 산림경영학 (향문사), 2007.
    ◆ 숲과 환경과 인간 (문음사), 1998.
  • 대표 논문
    ◆ 윤화영, 「교토의정서 발효에 따른 산림부문의 법·제도적 개선」, 환경법연구, 2005, 27권 3호, pp.185-204
    ◆ 이연상, 윤화영, 「연료전환 온실가스감축사업의 감축잠재력 및 비용효과 분석」, 에너지기후변화학회, 2012, 7권 1호, pp.17-33
    ◆ 김동석, 윤화영, 「산림교육의 로컬거버넌스적 접근과 유형 구분에 관한 연구」, 한국거버넌스학회, 2014, 12권 1호, pp.99-128
    ◆ 김혜림, 윤화영, 「탄소상쇄제도의 유형화와 유형별 특성」, 환경법연구, 2017, 39권 2호, pp.165-194
    ◆ 김혜림, 윤화영, 「파리협정 하에서의 JCM 분석과 시사점」, 환경법연구, 2018, pp.91-122
    ◆ 김성훈, 윤화영, 서지원, 「계층분석법(AHP)을 이용한 재생에너지 계획입지절차에 따른 평가 요소의 상대적 우선순위」, 한국혁신학회, 2021, 16권 4호, pp.1-32
    ◆ 김성훈,윤화영, 국가별 재생에너지 계획입지제도 절차별 우선순위 및 평가요소 비교분석, 2022,한국신재생에너지학회,18권4호pp.54~63.
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  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 363호
  • 최종 학력
    Ph.D. in Department of Forestry Forest Science, Iowa State Univ.
  • 전공 분야
    환경생명공학 / 환경조림학
  • 세부 연구분야
    사막화방지학 / 자생식물보전학 / Phytoremediation
  • 학사학위 과정
    동국대학교 임학과 농학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    M.S. in Department of Forestry Forest Science, Iowa State Univ.
  • 박사학위 과정
    Ph.D. in Department of Forestry Forest Science, Iowa State Univ.
  • 담당 과목
    1. 환경생명공학
    2. 자생식물학
    3. 환경조림학
    4. 국제기구진출
    5. 사막화방지학
  • 대표 저서
    ◆ 지구사막화방지, 이룸나무, 2020
    ◆ Heavy Metals, IntechOpen, 2018
    ◆ 세계산림자원학개론, 이룸나무, 2012
    ◆ 바이오산업과 환경, 문음사, 2010
    ◆ Assessment of Plantation for Combating Desertification and Preventing Yellow Dust and Sandstorms, UNCCD, 2010
    ◆ Plant Regerneration Through Organogenesis in Poplar, USDA Forest Service, 1997
  • 대표 논문
    ◆ Rogers Wainkwa Chia, Yowhan Son, Wonwoo Cho, Young Geun Lee, Ganchudur Tsetsegmaa & Hoduck Kang, 「Do different land use changes in a deciduous forest ecosystem result in alterations in soil organic C and total N stocks?」, Plant Soil, 2020, 457, pp.153–165
    ◆ 조원우, Romika Chandra, 이송희, 한지원, 이소라, Ganchudur Tsetsegmaa, Khaulenbek Akhmadi, Wi Young Lee, 강호덕, 「Cold hardiness of 8 hybrid poplar clones for the introduction to arid and semi-arid areas」, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, 2020, vol.8, no.1, pp.11-18
    ◆ Alexander Gradel, Gerelbaatar Sukhbaatar, Daniel Karthe, Hoduck Kang, 「Forest Management In Mongolia – A Review Of Challenges And Lessons Learned With Special Reference To Degradation And Deforestation」, Geography Environment Sustainability, 2019, Vol 12, No 3
    ◆ Songhee Lee, Wonwoo Cho, Romika Chandra, Jiwon Han, 강호덕, 「Effects of plug cell trays, soil and shading rates on seed germination and seedling growth characteristics of Hippophae rhamnoides L.」, Forest and Environment Science, 2020, vol.36, no.1, pp. 55-61
    ◆ Wonwoo Cho, Romika Chandra, Wi-young Lee, 강호덕, 「IBA Treatment of Poplar Cuttings and Soil Composition Amendment for Improved Adaptability and Survival」, Journal of forest and environmental science, 2020, vol.36, no.4, pp. 259-266
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    상영바이오관 466호
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    강원대학교 임산공학과 농학사
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    강원대학교 임산공학과 공학석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    Ph.D. in Department of Biomaterial Sciences, The University of Tokyo
  • 담당 과목
    1. 친환경소재 및 실습 캡스톤디자인
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    4. 숲에서 찾는 바이오나노재료의 이해
  • 대표 저서
    ◆ 최신 목재화학 (선진문화사)
  • 대표 논문
    ◆ Surendra K Shinde, Swapnil S Karade, Nagesh C Maile, Hemraj M Yadav, Gajanan S Ghodake, Ajay D Jagadale, Dae-Young Kim, 「Green synthesis of novel CuCo2O4 nanocomposite for stable hybrid supercapacitors by deep eutectic solvents」, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, Vol 334, pp.116390-116401
    ◆ Surendra K Shinde, Hemraj M Yadav, Gajanan S Ghodake, Ajay D Jagadale, Monali B Jalak, Dae-Young Kim, 「Novel and efficient hybrid supercapacitor of chemically synthesized quaternary 3D nanoflower-like NiCuCo2S4 electrode」, Ceramics International, 2021, Vol 47, Issue 11, pp.15639-15647
    ◆ Gajanan S Ghodake, Surendra K Shinde, Ganesh D Saratale, Rijuta G Saratale, Min Kim, Seung-Cheol Jee, Dae-Young Kim, Jung-Suk Sung, Avinash A Kadam, 「α-Cellulose Fibers of Paper-Waste Origin Surface-Modified with Fe3O4 and Thiolated-Chitosan for Efficacious Immobilization of Laccase」, Polymers, 2021, Vol 13, Issue 4, pp.581-598
    ◆ Jiwook Yang, Gu-Joong Kwon, Kyojung Hwang, Jihui Byeon, Gajanan S Ghodake, Surendra K Shinde, Seunghun Hyun, Dae-Young Kim, 「Influence of silk fibroin content on cellulose blend film using LiBr solution」, BioResources, 2020, Vol 15, Issue 2, pp.2459-2470
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  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 343호
  • 최종 학력
    서울시립대학교 조경학과 공학박사(환경생태학)
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    서울시립대학교 조경학과 이학사
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    서울시립대학교 조경학과(환경생태학) 조경학 석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    서울시립대학교 조경학과(환경생태학) 공학 박사
  • 담당 과목
    1. 환경영향평가
    2. 환경계획학
    3. 생태복원공학
  • 대표 저서
    ◆ 자연자원의이해, 방송대 출판부, 2022
    ◆ 환경생태학, 라이프사이언스, 2022
    ◆ 산림과학개론, 향문사, 2021
  • 대표 논문
    ◆ 배제선, 오충현, 「반달가슴곰 서식환경 개선을 위한 지리산 국립공원 파편화 분석」, 환경복원기술학회지, 2021, 24(1), pp.1-14
    ◆ 최동석, 안지영, 오충현, 「충북 민주지산 물들메나무 분포 및 군락구조」, 환경생태학회지, 2021, 35(6), pp.632-643
    ◆ 이은혜, 오충현, 「하시동·안인사구의 생물다양성 보전위협 요인분석」, 환경복원기술학회지, 2021, 24(3), pp99-114
    ◆ 김선영, 오충현, 「보전지역권 제도의 국내 보호지역 적용방안:문경 돌리네습지를 대상으로」, 환경정책, 2021, 29(2), pp.205-233
    ◆ 이윤주, 오충현, 「건축시기와 입지환경에 따른 서울시 아파트 단지 녹지의 식물이입 특성」, 서울연구, 2021, 22(4), pp.65-78
    ◆ 차두원, 위사양, 이준영, 오충현, 「국가중요농업유산 의성 전통수리농업시스템 소류지의 식물상 및 분포 특성」, 환경복원기술학회지, 2021, 24(3), pp.69-84
    ◆ 이승준, 오충현, 『새만금 지역의 생태계서비스 평가와 증진방안』, 한국환경생태학회지, 2022, 26(4), pp18-26
    ◆ 치두원, 오충현, 『서울 백제 유적지의 관리를 위한 현존식생과 과거 대상식생 비교 연구』, 한국전통조경학회지, 2022, 40(1), pp74-80
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  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 465호
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    동국대학교 임학과 농학박사
  • 전공 분야
    바이오에너지 / 천연고분자화학 / 펄프·종이
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    바이오매스 / 바이오리파이너리 / 액체 바이오연료
  • 학사학위 과정
    동국대학교 임학과 농학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    동국대학교 임학과 농학석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    동국대학교 임학과 농학박사
  • 담당 과목
    1. 유기화학
    2. 천연고분자화학 및 실험
    3. 에너지학개론
    4. 바이오에너지
    5. 문화재보존과학
    6. 환경과 탄소(교양)
  • 대표 저서
    ◆ 바이오산업과환경, 문음사, 2010
    ◆ 바이오에너지 바이오매스, 도서출판 북스힐, 2011
  • 대표 논문
    ◆ Shawn D Mansfield, Kyu-Young Kang, Clint Chapple, 「Designed for deconstruction – Poplar trees altered in cell wall lignification improve the efficacy of bioethanol production」, New Phytologist, 2012, 194(1):91-101
    ◆ Myung-Joon Jeong, Anna Bogolitsyna, Byoung-Muk Jo, Kyu-Young Kang, Thomas Rosenau, Antje Potthast, 「Deterioration of ancient Korean paper (Hanji), treated with beeswax: a mechanistic study」, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014, 101(30):1249-1254
    ◆ Myung-Joon Jeong, Kyu-Young Kang, Markus Bacher, Hyoung-Jin Kim, Byoung-Muk Jo, Antje Potthast, 「Deterioration of ancient cellulose paper, Hanji: evaluation of paper permanence」, Cellulose, 2014, 21:4621–4632
    ◆ Yujin Hwang, Kyu‑Young Kang, Bong Suk Yang, Antje Potthast, Myung‑Joon Jeong, 「Minimally invasive evaluation of cellulose paper degradation using water‑soluble carbohydrates」, Cellulose, 2023, 30:5923-5933
  • 특허
    ◆ 대나무를 이용한 식용 종이의 제조방법, 2011, 특허 제10-1045801호
    ◆ 바이오매스 처리방법, 2017, 특허 제10-1699610호
    ◆ 소수성 셀룰로오스 에어로겔 제조 방법, 2019, 특허 제10-1985088호
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    상영바이오관 464호
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  • 세부 연구분야
    유기성 폐기물 처리 / 하폐수 처리 / 분자생물학적 미생물 분석
  • 학사학위 과정
    성균관대학교 사회환경시스템공학 공학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    한국과학기술원 환경공학 공학 석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    한국과학기술원 환경공학 공학 박사
  • 담당 과목
    1. 환경화학
    2. 환경미생물학
    3. 수질환경학
    4. 폐기물환경학
    5. 연소공학
    6. 바이오환경과학 2
  • 대표 논문
    1. Joo-Youn Nam, Hyunji Eom, Uijeong Han, Eunjin Jwa, Hyojeon Kim, SeungYeob Han, Seoktae Kang, Si-Kyung Cho. “Unraveling the UV/H2O2 process using bioelectrochemically synthesized H2O2 to reuse waste nutrient solution” npj Clean Water, 7(1) (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41545-024-00363-0

    2. Ajay Thapa, Hongmok Jo, Uijeong Han, Si-Kyung Cho. “Ex-situ biomethanation for CO2 valorization: State of the art, recent advances, challenges, and future prospective” Biotechnology Advances, 68 108218 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biotechadv.2023.108218

    3. Uijeong Han, Yong-Gu Lee, Jihui Byeon, Kangmin Chon, Si-Kyung Cho. ” Mitigation of benzoic acid-driven autotoxicity in waste nutrient solution using O3 and O3/H2O2 treatments: Seed germination and root growth of Lactuca sativa L.” Environmental Pollution, 331(2) 121930 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121930
  • 홈페이지
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  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 403호
  • 최종 학력
    Ph.D. in Department of Soil Science, North Carolina State University
  • 전공 분야
    토양물리화학(Environmental Soil Physical Chemistry)
  • 세부 연구분야
    암모니아 미세먼지 전구체 생성기작 및 배출특성 / 토양 미세플라스틱 등
  • 학사학위 과정
    고려대학교 응용생명환경화학과(현 환경생태공학부) 이학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    고려대학교 응용생명환경화학과(현 환경생태공학부) 이학석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    Ph.D. in Department of Soil Science, North Carolina State University
  • 담당 과목
    1. ESG토양환경학
    2. ESG대기환경학
    3. 미세먼지과학
    4. 연구논문지도2
  • 대표 저서
    ◆ Environment for Battle Field and Natural Resources. Yangseogak Press, 2022
  • 대표 논문
    ◆ Kyungwon Min, Yunseo Cho, Eunjeong Kim, Minho Lee, Sang-Ryong Lee, 「Exogenous Glycine Betaine Application Improves Freezing Tolerance of Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea L.) Leaves」, Plant-Basel, 2021, 10(12):2821
    ◆ Okhwa Hwang, Sang-Ryong Lee, Sungback Cho, Kyoung S. Ro, Mindy Spiehs, Bryan Woodbury, Philip J. Silva, Deug-Woo Han, Heechul Choi, Ki-Yong Kim, and Min-Woong Jung, 「Efficacy of Different Biochars in Removing Odorous Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Emitted from Swine Manure」, 2018, 6, 11, 14239–14247
    ◆ Sang-Ryong Lee, Jechan Lee, Taewoo Lee, Seong-Heon Cho, Jeong-Ik Oh, Hana Kim, Daniel C.W.Tsang, Eilhann E.Kwon, 「Carbon dioxide assisted thermal decomposition of cattle excreta」, Science of The Total Environment, 2018, Volume 615, pp.70-77
    ◆ Sang-Ryong Lee, Jechan Lee, Seong-Heon Cho, Jieun Kim, Jeong-Ik Oh, Daniel C.W.Tsang, Kwang-Hwa Jeong, Eilhann E.Kwon, 「Quantification of volatile fatty acids from cattle manure via non-catalytic esterification for odour indication」, Science of The Total Environment, 2018, Volumes 610–611, pp.992-996
    ◆ Min-Seob Kim, Won-Seok Lee, K. Suresh Kumar, Kyung-Hoon Shin, Wayne Robarge, Minseok Kim, Sang Ryong Lee, 「Effects of HCl pretreatment, drying, and storage on the stable isotope ratios of soil and sediment samples」, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2016, Volume30, Issue13, pp.1567-1575
  • 특허
    ◆ Sang-Ryong Lee, et al. PATENT - Microbial agent comprising a mixture of species for reducing ammonia odor and method for manufacturing the same, September 2017, 2-1998-005031-4
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    상영바이오관 342호
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  • 세부 연구분야
  • 학사학위 과정
    전남대학교 환경공학 공학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    고려대학교 토목환경공학 석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    도쿄대학교 응용생명공학 이학 박사
  • 담당 과목
    1. 수질환경학
    2. 바이오환경과학진로탐구
    3. Environmental Engineering Operation and Processes 1, 2
    4. Smart Water and Wastewater Management
  • 대표 저서
    “Bioremediation of Industrial Wastes for Environmental Safety”, Springer International(2018)
  • 대표 논문
    ◆ Singh, R., Ryu, J., Hyoung Lee, W., Kang, J. H., Park, S., & Kim, K. "Wastewater-borne viruses and bacteria, surveillance and biosensors at the interface of academia and field deployment." Critical Reviews in Biotechnology (2024): 1-21.
    ◆ Kim, Jayun, et al. "Detection and infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 in Korean municipal wastewater facilities and characterization of environmental factors influencing wastewater-bound SARS-CoV-2." Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (2024).
    ◆ Singh, R., Ryu, J., Park, S. S., Kim, S., & Kim, K. (2024). Monitoring viruses and beta-lactam resistance genes through wastewater surveillance during a COVID-19 surge in Suwon, South Korea. Science of The Total Environment, 171223.
    ◆ Jia, R., Song, Y. C., An, Z., Kim, K., Lee, C. Y., & Bae, B. U. (2023). A New Comprehensive Indicator for Monitoring Anaerobic Digestion: A Principal Component Analysis Approach. Processes, 12(1), 59.
    ◆ Stoll, S., Zhang, W., Yang, Y., Gil, K., Kim, K., & Lee, W. H. (2023). Photodegradation of MC-LR using a novel Au-decorated Ni metal-organic framework (Au/Ni-MOF). Chemosphere, 344, 140404.
    ◆ Kim, K., Stoll, S., Singh, R., Lee, W. H., & Hwang, J. H. (2023). Recent advances in illicit drug detection sensor technology in water. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 117295.
    ◆ An, Z. K., Song, Y. C., Kim, K. T., Lee, C. Y., Jang, S. H., & Bae, B. U. (2023). The Bioaugmentation of Electroactive Microorganisms Enhances Anaerobic Digestion. Fermentation, 9(11), 988.
    ◆ Jia, R., Song, Y. C., An, Z., Kim, K., & Oa, S. W. (2023). Unraveling Anaerobic Digestion Instability: A Simple Index Based on the Kinetic Balance of Biochemical Reactions. Processes, 11(10), 2852.
    ◆ Kim, Y., Ban, Jang, Y., Kim, H., Shin, H., Singh, R., Kim, K. (2023). 222Radon reduction in small-scale water supply systems using low-technology reduction methods in the Republic of Korea: A field research and mass balance model approach. Science of The Total Environment, 161820.
    ◆ Kim, K., Ban, M. J., Kim, S., Park, M. H., Stenstrom, M. K., & Kang, J. H. (2022). Optimal allocation and operation of sewer monitoring sites for wastewater-based disease surveillance: A methodological proposal. Journal of Environmental Management, 320, 115806.
    ◆ Stoll, S., Hwang, J. H., Fox, D. W., Kim, K., Zhai, L., & Lee, W. H. (2022). Cost-effective screen-printed carbon electrode biosensors for rapid detection of microcystin-LR in surface waters for early warning of harmful algal blooms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12.
    ◆ Ban, M.J., Lee, D.H., Shin, S.W., Kim, K., Kim, S., Oa, S.W., Kim, G.H., Park, Y.J., Lee, M. and Kang, J.H., 2022. Identifying the acute toxicity of contaminated sediments using machine learning models. Environmental Pollution, 312, p.120086.
    ◆ Hwang, J. H., Sip, Y. Y. L., Kim, K. T., Han, G., Rodriguez, K. L., Fox, D. W., ... & Lee, W. H. (2022). Nanoparticle-embedded hydrogel synthesized electrodes for electrochemical oxidation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS). Chemosphere, 296, 134001.
    ◆ Jia, R., Song, Y. C., Piao, D. M., Kim, K., Lee, C. Y., & Park, J. (2022). Exploration of deep learning models for real-time monitoring of state and performance of anaerobic digestion with online sensors. Bioresource Technology, 363, 127908.
    ◆ Park, S., Cho, J. Y., Jung, D. H., Jang, S. W., Eom, J. H., Nam, S. W., ... & Kim, K. T. (2022). Fibrivirga algicola gen. nov., sp. nov., an algicidal bacterium isolated from a freshwater river. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 1-11.
    ◆ Jeon, Y., Lee, Y., Kim, K., Jang, G., & Yoon, Y. (2022). Transcription Factor-Based Biosensors for Detecting Pathogens. Biosensors, 12(7), 470.
    ◆ Park, J., Lee, W. H., Kim, K. T., Park, C. Y., Lee, S., & Heo, T. Y. (2022). Interpretation of ensemble learning to predict water quality using explainable artificial intelligence. Science of The Total Environment, 832, 155070.
    ◆ Park, J., Baek, J., Kim, J., You, K., & Kim, K. (2022). Deep Learning-Based Algal Detection Model Development Considering Field Application. Water, 14(8), 1275.
    ◆ Choi, D., To, T. P., Yun, W., Ju, D., Kim, K., & Jung, J. (2022). Effect of nitrogen loading rate and alkalinity on partial nitritation in a continuous stirred tank reactor. Environmental Engineering Research, 27(1), 178-182.
    ◆ Pilevar, M., Kim, K. T., & Lee, W. H. (2021). Recent advances in biosensors for detecting viruses in water and wastewater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 410, 124656.
    ◆ Jeong, J. Y., Oh, S. E., Shim, K. S., Byun, J. H., Kim, T. H., Ryu, J., & Kim, K. (2021). Morphological and phylogenetic analysis of a non-toxic Raphidiopsis curvispora isolated from a drinking water reservoir in South Korea. Marine and Freshwater Research.
    ◆ Kim, K. T., & Park, S. (2021). Enhancing Microplastics Removal from Wastewater Using Electro-Coagulation and Granule-Activated Carbon with Thermal Regeneration. Processes, 9(4), 617.
    ◆ Park, Y. G., & Kim, K. T. (2021). Selective separation of various heavy metals from synthesized phosphoric acid solutions. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 95, 267-276.
    ◆ Kang, D., & Kim, K. (2021). Real Wastewater Treatment Using a Moving Bed and Wastewater-Borne Algal–Bacterial Consortia with a Short Hydraulic Retention Time. Processes, 9(1), 116.
    ◆ Kim, K. T., & Park, Y. G. (2021). Goemin and 2-MIB Removal by Full-Scale Drinking Water Treatment Processes in the Republic of Korea. Water, 13(5), 628.
    ◆ Kim, K., & Park, Y. G. (2021). Light as a Novel Inhibitor of Nitrite-oxidizing Bacteria (NOB) for the Mainstream Partial Nitrification of Wastewater Treatment. Processes, 9(2), 346.
    ◆ Park, Y. G., Lee, W. H., & Kim, K. (2021). Different Adsorption Behavior between Perfluorohexane Sulfonate (PFHxS) and Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) on Granular Activated Carbon in Full-Scale Drinking Water Treatment Plants. Processes, 9(4), 571.
  • 특허
    ◆ 감염병 감시를 위한 하수측정망 최적화 및 하수역학 기반 감염규모 예측 방법 및 시스템(등록), 2023, 102509851
    ◆ 하수역학 및 관망 네트워크 분석 기반 감염병 발병지역 추적 방법 및 시스템(등록), 2023, 10253099
    ◆ 하수처리용 생물반응조(등록), 2021, 20-0494724
Gajanan Sampatrao Ghodake부교수
  • 연락처
    010-2595-8206 / 031-961-5159
  • E-mail
    ghodakegs@dongguk.edu / ghodakegs@gmail.com
  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 358호
  • 최종 학력
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Department of Biochemistry, Shivaji University Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • 전공 분야
    Materials science / Bio-nanotechnology / Sustainable development / Environment protection / Green Synthesis / Analytical Chemistry / Nano-biotechnology / Environmental Science
  • 세부 연구분야
    Specialize in greener nanomaterials / environmental monitoring / antimicrobial strategies / regenerative medicine / biomass processing / circular bio-economy / Safer protocols in materials science / Antibacterial resistance (AMR) / Future of pesticides in agriculture
  • 학사학위 과정
    Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Department of Botany, Shivaji University Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • 석사학위 과정
    Master of Science (MSc) in Department of Biochemistry, Shivaji University Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • 박사학위 과정
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Department of Biochemistry, Shivaji University Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
  • 대표 논문
    ◆ Gajanan Sampatrao Ghodake, Surendra Krushna Shinde, Avinash Ashok Kadam, Rijuta Ganesh Saratale, Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale, Asad Syed, Abdallah M. Elgorban, Najat Marraiki, Dae-Young Kim, 「Biological characteristics and biomarkers of novel SARS-CoV-2 facilitated rapid development and implementation of diagnostic tools and surveillance measures」, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2021, 177, 112969
    ◆ Gajanan Sampatrao Ghodake, Surendra Krushna Shinde, Avinash Ashok Kadam, Rijuta Ganesh Saratale, Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale, Manu Kumar, Ramasubba Reddy Palem, Hind A.AL-Shwaiman, Abdallah M. Elgorban, Asad Syed, Dae-Young Kim, 「Review on biomass feedstocks, pyrolysis mechanism and physicochemical properties of biochar: State-of-the-art framework to speed up vision of circular bioeconomy」, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 297, 126645
    ◆ Avinash Kadam, Saifullah Lone, Surendra Shinde, Jiwook Yang, Rijuta Ganesh Saratale, Ganesh Dattatraya Saratale, Jung-Suk Sung, Dae Young Kim, Gajanan Ghodake, 「Treatment of hazardous engineered nanomaterials by super-magnetized α-cellulose fibers of renewable paper-waste origin」, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 6, 5764–5775
    ◆ Gajanan Ghodake, Jiwook Yang, Surendra Shinde, Bhupendra Mistry, Dae-Young Kim, Jung Suk Sung, Avinash Kadam, 「Paper waste extracted α-cellulose fibers super-magnetized and chitosan-functionalized for covalent laccase immobilization」, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 261, 420-427
    ◆ Dae-Young Kim, Min Kim, Surendra Shinde, Rijuta Saratale, Jung Suk Sung, and Gajanan Ghodake, 「Temperature dependent synthesis of tryptophan-functionalized gold nanoparticles and their application in imaging human neuronal cells」, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5, 7678-7689
    ◆ Dae-Young Kim, Surendra Shinde, Gajanan Ghodake, 「Colorimetric detection of magnesium (II) ions using tryptophan functionalized gold nanoparticles,」, Scientific Reports, 2017, Volume 7, 3966
  • 연락처
  • E-mail
  • 교수연구실
    상영바이오관 351호
  • 최종 학력
    Ph.D. in Biotechnology, Department of Biotechnology, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India
  • 전공 분야
    Biotechnology/ Environmental Science
  • 세부 연구분야
    Environmental surveillance/ Antibioitc resistance/ Biosensing/ Bioprocess development
  • 학사학위 과정
    B.Sc. (HONS.) in Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University, India
  • 석사학위 과정
    M.Sc. in Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tezpur University, India
  • 박사학위 과정
    Ph.D. in Department of Biotechnology, Himachal Pradesh University, India
  • 대표 논문
    • Singh R, Ryu J, Lee WH, Kang JH, Park S, Kim K. Wastewater-borne viruses and bacteria, surveillance and biosensors at the interface of academia and field deployment. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2024, 1-21.
    • Singh R, Ryu J, Park SS, Kim S, Kim K. Monitoring viruses and beta-lactam resistance genes through wastewater surveillance during a COVID-19 surge in Suwon, South Korea. Science of The Total Environment, 2024 ,28:171223.
    • Kim K, Stoll S, Singh R, Lee WH, Hwang JH. Recent advances in illicit drug detection sensor technology in water. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 168, 117295
    • Peter JK, Singh R, Yadav AK, Kothari R, Mehta PK. Toxicity of nitriles/amides-based products in the environment and their enzymatic bioremediation. J Hazardous Materials Advances, 2024, 13:100389.
    • Kim Y, Jang Y, Kim H, Shin H, Singh R, Kim K. 222Radon reduction in small-scale water supply systems using low-technology reduction methods in the Republic of Korea: A field research and mass balance model approach. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 15; 869:161820.